Le jeu de l’assiette (ル・ジュー・ドゥ・ラシエット)

The toy-like(^^;;;) chandelier is from Venice apparently.
Cute glass beads on the table. We pretended to play chess with them…
Deco Boco(citrus fruit) sorbet with champagne poured on top. Yum! But later found out that this little cocktail costs 1500yen.
アスパラガスの冷製 クルヴェットグリーズのジュレを添えて。
食感の違う葉野菜のミルフィーユ ホッキ貝とそのヴィネグレット。
Asparagus with jelly and sauce made from small prawn. This is very delicious!
Mille-feuille of vegetables, hokkigai(surf clam) and vinaigrette. Mille-feuille…is just a few slices of vegetables placed on top of each other. Tasty though. The clams are sweet.
スズキのポワレ 豚の背脂風味 人参ソース。
シャラン産鴨もも肉のソテー 白と赤のソース。
Sea bass with “pork back fat” and carrot sauce. The “pork back fat” is the thin slice on top of the fish. It is not oily at all and goes well with the fish. The carrot sauce is very good too.
Duck thigh saute, white and red sauce. Red sauce is beet, white sauce is onion. Somehow the way the duck is cooked reminds me of Cantonese grilled duck…I was not the only one craving rice, my friend said the duck should be served on a donburi. ^^;; Nice dish that goes with wine though.

Strawberry risotto. Strangely nostalgic…
“Awakening of Inca”(just potato ^^;;) milk crepe and olive oil ice-cream – it really tastes like olive oil!
The desserts are so interesting…

Lunch course we had was 5500yen. Service charge is 10%. Everything in the pictures are included for one person.

This restaurant is fairly new but the servers are veterans from other famous restaurants apparently, and they are indeed very good – helpful, funny, smiling the whole time.
Menu: 1, 2, 3.
Le jeu de l’assiette

Le Remois (ル・レモア)

3200yen lunch course. Glass champagne is 1300yen, half glass is 800yen. The bread is so-so.
Appetizer: Crab and avocado Tartar, with tomato and basil sauce. Very good! Close-up pic here.

Main: Chicken and mushroom in a Cocotte. Quite nice but a bit salty. Dessert: Classic gateau chocolate is normal.

The original shop is in Aoyama and is much more expensive. This branch in Shinmaru building is more casual. A lot of dishes come in Cocotte…even a cold salad.
Le Remois


Japanese menu here. (Even I can’t read the words…) 4900yen dinner course.
Grape vinger soda. Green pea soup.
Sakura rice(mochi rice wrapped in salted sakura leaf), Hotaru squid, yuzu radish and nanohana. So good!
Some veggy with sanshou(Japanese pepper) seed.
Tamago-yaki(sweet egg roll).
Yamaimo(mountain potato) manju.
The beans in the right pic are for 4 people.
Yuba, fu etc. with sesame sauce. This is also for 4 people.
Belly pork with soy beans. Very soft~

0703280066Wish the rice came together with the belly pork instead of after. The round balls inside the jelly are made from tofu.

Healthy, light, simple, lots of fresh and delicious vegetables. The staff, the customers were all female. Unfortunately the service was a little cold. And I actually got hungry in like 3 hours….

Pie ou Face (ピル ウ ファス) CLOSED

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ペペロナータ パルマの生ハム添え。
Bell pepper and ham.
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クレームカラメル プラムの赤ワイン煮添え。
Grilled herb pork with oriental sauce and braised carrot.
Creme caramel with plum cooked in red wine.
Lunch course is 1890yen.

The food tastes very fresh. The pork has a nice herbal fragrance and very tender. The sauce is sweet and delicious. A madam and a young woman are cooking inside the kitchen and an old gentleman is serving diligently. The atmosphere is quiet and relaxing. A place to take it slow and easy – food comes slow so probably not the right place if you are in a hurry. They run cooking classes once a week apparently.
Lunch menu(J) here.

cuisine naturelle Les Brindes (レ・ブランドゥ)

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Appetizer plate is quite good. The small grilled fish is hot.
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Tagliolini in fresh seafood sauce. Has Mantis prawn, clams, mussels, scallop etc. Sauce is tomato based. Pretty good.
Dessert is sesame ice-cream and blanc manger with strawberry sauce. All together 2180yen. Value is not bad, considering the vegetables used are organic.
Lunch menu(J) here.
cuisine naturelle Les Brindes